NOTE: This information is a not a complete, step-by-step set of instructions, rather a brief overview of the different methods and products available for a tile shower installation. Refer to Installation Instructions for Noble Products displayed on the tabbed buttons for each product. For any other products (e.g. thin-set) please refer to manufacturer's instructions.
Mortar Bed Method for Showers (Click here for diagram.)
Construction of a full mortar bed shower begins by creating a ¼ inch per foot slope under the shower floor that is required by plumbing code and recommended by the Tile Council of North America (TCNA). There are a variety of methods used to create the slope. Some common methods include:
● PRO-SLOPE, a pre-fabricated EPS based slope (#7 on diagram)
● Sloped, dry pack mortar
● Plywood fabricated to create a slope
After installing the slope, installation of a shower pan liner is needed. Noble offers both a CPE (Chloraloy) and PVC (RichPan) liner (see #8 on diagram). These liners are sold by the linear foot, and calculating the amount of material needed is done by measuring the shower floor plus the required allowance for upturns. The Uniform Plumbing Code requires the pan to be turned up at least 3” higher than the finished dam. If the project requires that the shower pan liners be seamed, use appropriate seaming adhesive (NobleSealant 150 or NobleWeld 100 -- dependent upon liner type).
Also required will be a Clamping Ring Drain (either PVC or ABS, see #9 on diagram), which is clamped and sealed to the shower pan liner. Lastly, the shower pan liner must be covered by a 1-¼” reinforced mortar bed, which can then be tiled directly onto.
Other recommended products include:
● Curb Overlay (#6 on diagram)
● Dam/Outside Corners (#10 on diagram)
● Positive Weep Protector (included with Pro-Slope Kits, #3 on diagram)
● Noble Niche (#3 on diagram)
● Noble Bench (#4 on diagram)
Thin-Bed Method for Showers (Click here for diagram.)
The procedure for the Thin-Bed Method involves creating a sloped substrate and bonding NobleSeal TS (#1 on diagram) to the substrate with either a modified thin-set or NobleBond EXT (#5 on diagram). To determine the amount of NobleSeal TS needed for the project, measure the shower floor and add the required amount for flashing. NobleSeal TS must be turned-up at the perimeter to prevent water from getting behind the membrane (also known as flashing). There are 2 methods for flashing:
● Behind the backer board: it should be flashed at least 3” higher than the finished dam.
● Front side of the backer board: if TS is installed here, it can waterproof the backer board, and should be flashed to the height of the shower head.
NobleSeal TS can now be attached to either a FreeStyle Linear Drain , Thin Bed Drain (#2 on diagram) or a standard Clamping Ring Drain. If using the later, attach the drain to NobleSeal TS with a NobleFlex Drain Flashing. Tile can be directly bonded to NobleSeal TS.
Other recommended products include:
● Curb
● Dam/Outside Corners
● Inside Corners
● Positive Weep Protector
● Noble Niche (#3 on diagram)
● Noble Bench (#4 on diagram)
ProBase, pre-sloped waterproof shower base (Click here for diagram.)
ProBase (#10 on diagram) is a composite made from a polypropylene thermoplastic honeycomb with a waterproof NobleSeal sheet membrane laminated to the top. ProBase is sloped ¼” per foot from the perimeter to the center. It is bonded to the substrate with a latex modified thin-set mortar. The center is depressed to allow the sheet membrane to be clamped into a Clamping Ring Drain (#4 on diagram). Also included in the ProBase Kits is NobleSealant 150 adhesive and a flashing used to waterproof the perimeter of the shower.
Other recommended products include:
● Solid Curb
● Positive Weep Protector
● Noble Niche (#7 on diagram)
● Noble Bench (#5 on diagram)