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Super NOBURST - 5 Gallons
Price: $138.69
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Super NOBURST is a non-toxic concentrated antifreeze and heat transfer fluid. The product is to be used in place of water and other water-like fluids in systems where freezing may either cause damage or interfere with the functioning of systems or
equipment and/or toxicity to humans or animals is a concern. Super NOBURST is safe for use when there is a possibility of contact with potable water.
• Concentrated Formula
• Non-toxic
• Non-Corrosive
• High System Efficiency
• Blended with deionized water
Available Sizes:
- 5 - Gallon Pail
- 30 - Gallon Drum
- 55 - Gallon Drum
- 275 - Gallon Tote
- 330 - Gallon Tote